Flight of Phoenix

a poem by Singh R K Dr


I make myself man
each time I create
setting, character, tone
in a poem
create poetic sense
disclose my natural being
playing five senses
my distortions and inversions
evolve in history and society
to save the man in me
through poetry of self


The seed of my song
lies deep in memory
like paddy in field

blooms ages when wind
blows inside out and grows
genes in womb, turns self


A poem is madness
unique fascination
liberating language
re-creates, re-symbolises
disfiguring the known
secured norms
inverting the safe

The halo of my vision
is the Mother’s gaze:

he whom I seek is
hidden in her eyes

shedding hope and love
all around her mercy


Love is my prison
and freedom both
in her presence
my wish her wish

to be everything
her shiva and
shakti a dual-single
me and she, one


Love leads to beauty
and vision with perfection
pillar of dust or

fleeting shadow can
turn into light revealing
pure songs wrought out of

the clay blending joys
in naked passion seek signs
of self-discovery

roving with delight
perfume of fellowship
in valley of peace


Life limits between
whence the sun rises and where
it goes to relax:
joys of a fleeting moment
I see Aditi in her eyes


Love without clothes
without bone has
a joy within:
soft smooth and full

like the mind
creative and


It hangs like a drop
any moment evaporate
love is gullible

Rocked or burning within
poor performer
turns the hell inside out

can’t dance on a taut rope
with fragile legs
enjoy flames of passion

love is a high explosive
not charged by
induced sexuality


How can a poet
pierce through tamed passages
in the wolves’ psyche

too sacred to peep:
in the walled academy
they lope with cold eyes

shielding some dumb myths
or haunted by empty hunts
parrying moments of truth


Each day I construct
my self in new desires and
end in emptiness

a hollow shadow
I move in dust and rest in
stony webs of haze


In a grey morning
it’s a foggy silent world
the stink of darkness

when’ll the gulf open
stir the still horizons red
and swallow the wood


Is it the heat wave
or stupor that I see
shadows in the dark
and call it vision?


Everything is falling apart
every wall is cracking
I too am breaking

to be someone and to belong
drink in love like many
secured sure happy

I too want to live and be loved
not piece by piece, friends
but, will they let me?