Cyprus Potatoes

a poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

Woke up in the night
the suffering of loneliness is drowning me,
yet beside me lies the woman
who has erased her own personality for my sake
and I know that I had to flee her cloying subjugation
that is filling my lungs with water
till I can’t breath,
blood not reaching the brain
only hearing her unnerving voice:
‘I’ll do anything for you
but I can’t call for an ambulance
I’m so totally removed from reality
now that I no longer have to sell
hand washed Cyprus potatoes at the supermarket.’
‘Do not distress yourself
go back to sleep
and peel potatoes in your dreams’
Closed her eyes she did and smiled
as I punctured my lungs with a pocket knife
and the essence of her defeat came seeping out,
it was full of puss,
a manifestation of anger she could not express,
watched her sleep,
her face at ease has bitter lines.