Cosmic Offspring

a poem by Gowdhaman M

Once it was another
Tiny star, yes now
It is a solid mass
With its major surface
Water covered, and
living plants supporting
Life on it, the Earth.

The mystery goes on
The mankind evolved
As the highest thinking
Social Animal.

The hot mass once
Now the Earth
Has taken billions of
Years to create
The perfect being,
The man,
A microcosmic offspring
Of nature unbound,
Containing innumerable genetic codes,
Difficult to unravel.

He goes around in space
Beyond the moon,
May be just out of
His quest to know
The universe containing
Infinite mysteries.

In the billions of years
Since the big bang,
The first three minutes
Oh! An immense wonder!
But since then
Till now, hundreds of
Finite elements, generally.
Non-fissile Elemental Atoms
Has come into being
Generally remain unchanged
As Inorganics the major
Part of earth’s crust,
Containing fossil
Near its outer surface,
When the ball of earth
Renewed its surface,
Imbibing its organic growth then,
During its great quakes
Now dug out as
Oil and coal.