You Will Look and See!

a poem by Sheldon

To know that God exists look at a Rainbow after a rain storm.
Look at the faces in the clouds it seems.
Look at all the beautiful children, trees, animals, and insects.
Look at beautiful stars, mountains, oceans, and streams.

Look what good teachers do for students, good parents do for children.
Just look at what kindness, courage and laughter brings.
See firemen, policemen, and emergency workers come
at our darkest moments, like they have wings.

Just see how music and dancing raises our hearts,
Or a beautiful or moving story.
Look around and try to appreciate what is good and not evil,
even when hope is hard to see.

Just look at all the times we were happy or rewarded, rebounding when we were sad.
Look at those who love you, and often miss you, and help when they can.

Know that God loves you,
at the end of our challenging lives it will be.
You will look and see.