And the Void Remains

a poem by Azhar S Sayed

The void of the universe called upon
To garner the planets and fill upon;
Established was the living, bounty earth,
Creatures, plants and then the Mother.

Sleeping in Mother’s couch was her child
Knowing, playing, dancing in her arms
Unknown, unplayed, undanced was his mind
Until he knew meaning of mankind

Out! Out! Of her arms he jumped
Cruelty, anger and wickedness he pumped
He slew her children, his brothers
And buried them unceremoniously in her heart

The void of the universe calls upon
To garner the qualities and fill upon
Establishing are the immoral vices
Sons of the soil buried in mid-air

Out! Out! Of the skies they jump
Crossing the seven skies to the zenith they reach
Knowing not where the zenith is, they rise
While sinful souls lie burning at the core

The void of universe will call upon
To garner the sun, the moon and the stars
Withdraw it shall; all its gifts
From the cruel, shabby barbarian fists

The man who predicted the death of the sun
Will have his face over the sky run,
Hapless children will cry terribly
With their tears forming a deluge, a flood

Everything shall be flown with it
The creatures, the plants and the children
Breath, air and life shall try to hide
But nothing will they find by their side

Out! Out! Of the universe the child will be thrown
In the darkness, accompanying the abstaining light
There will be a void created once again
But the mother will hesitate to fill it again.