Mata Amritanandamayi

a poem by Ramachandran Nair R

Mother she is to all,
As she is a mother to me,
Treating all as her children,
As God is one for everyone.

Asked for mother’s love,
Mother gave it to me in full;
Rare one gets love these days,
In a world ruled by devils;
Taking rest on mother’s lap,
As I enjoy peace and love,
Never getting starved of same;
As mother provides me the life,
Naturally I long for and is my birth right;
Dreadful are all gone and world is made dear,
As I rise up to celebrate with joy,
My mother’s 50th birth anniversary,
At a time celebrations are getting less;
You and I are blessed to have the bliss of mother,
In a world majority miss the bliss and mother’s love.