
a poem by Shobha

Oh Maa, the giver of love and life
where are you now
out of our sight
yet not out of our minds
so much work had remained
so many promises unfulfilled
but you departed so suddenly
that even you were surprised, I reckon
for even when you lay in bed
all chatted and joked
relaxed and calm
as if the visit here was
a reprieve
from hectic life
of constant demands
from one and all
and it appeared that
if no break came
the string would snap.

We are sad that there were no goodbyes
no blessings, or forgiveness to the due
and though a thin layer of time has formed
over the years since you left
yet memories come rushing
time and again.

Our ears ring with
the echoes of the words
not to lose courage
nor faith in self
the force that guides us through life.

They say time is a big healer
but this sounds hollow
for we feel a void
which none can fill.

The pangs of pain
disturb our peace
ruffle our being
and while we live
a part of us is no more.

We know the rule of life
that all come here and go
but hard it is to accept
when the person concerned is you
so wherever you are now, Maa
light the life of those
who surround you
but do remember us too
as we do you.