The Lost Princess

a poem by Pramila Toppo V

With great difficulty it was, that she was getting so close to him.
After many a song, prayer and a hymn
After long hours of waiting and after many tear filled nights,
she could now, see him her beloved knight.

She seemed so happy,
Happiness like this she had never seen.
She felt like a princess,
that she had never been.

Surprised were all her friends,
both even the kith and kin,
to see her so happy,
looked like she had got everything.

She sang like a bird,
that they had never heard.
She blew like a gentle breeze,
that would never seize.

But now, she looks so down and depressed,
like her feelings were all deep down repressed.
What happened to the princess, the bird and the breeze,
seemed like some one had said, “stop and freeze”.

The cause of this – a small fight.
Which took place the other night.
She didn’t know if it was right
but seemed like now, he was out of sight.