The Envelope

a poem by Vikash

An envelope lies on the pillow
Where you should have been.
White and scented with the fragrance
Of your favourite perfume.
I stare at it,
Shaking inside.

Fearing its contents,
I freeze for a moment.
Slowly the overwhelming fragrance
Stirs activity in my brain again.
What words does it contain?
Why is this here?

I gather up the courage to move
And slowly collect my thoughts.
I listen…
No sounds to indicate
Your presence.
Where are you?

I take the envelope in my hand
And feel your scent
Seep into my skin,
Drowning me
With raging thoughts and
Maddening memories of you.

What does it contain?
I take the envelop with me
As I rush to the liquor cabinet.
I need a drink,
To soften the blow
That might be unleashed.

Notes on the fridge,
All white and scented.
Notes on the table.
I am surrounded by these notes
That fill this place
With your fragrance.

My heart pounds,
My throat is dry.
I open the envelope,
And read the message
It holds inside.

I read the notes,
My sight is blinded
By the tears that storm up.
All the messages
Are now in my hands,
Each one containing the same message.

Carefully written by you
And filled with your fragrance,
Each message is now grasped
Firmly in my hands.
As I look at them and stutter
“I Love You Too!”