Mysteries of tomorrow

a poem by Jyoti

Alluring and sitting pretty,
in the mysteries of tomorrow,
our future appears a shy ‘n’ blushing bride.
That shows its glimpse with a lift of veil;
with somber face but turbulence inside.
The mystic of her enticing beauty;
pulls me to itself at a crazy pace.
The aura of her divine charm but;
is beyond all compare and race.
I look with dismayed eyes and gaze;
at the closets she’s brought along.
With the same sense of untouched purity;
as her bright, flowing red sarong.
Which shelf of her closet carries my love story;
is something, I’m dying to find out.
What gift would she offer this visitor of hers;
a fairy tale kiss or a hurting flout.
From the host of books in those closets;
I just want to find out my chapter.
Promise I’ll only rewrite unpleasant pages;
only those with tinge of sorrow’s specter.
God please divert her attention when I steal it;
keep her occupied with some arresting anecdote.
Promise that I’ll replace it deftness ‘n’ ease;
and she’ll never know, change of unpleasant quote.