Discarded Love

a poem by Lakshminarayana K

Oh lady of my puzzling vision and redress
Last night I found your care of address
In the directory of discarded love.

You left me in gloomy seclusion in tense
Swallowed I sleeping pills at your absence,
Almost died and remained sick.
I’m Adam and you’re eve, hither
We are tempted each other
And cursed to eternal separation.

The wisdom of love is aggressive,
The wilful deeds of lovers, retrogressive,
The moonlight nights bemoan till the dawn.

You were a rope and I a goat, many trends
Thrilled the gallery audience of friends,
The rope cut off, the goat fell down,

I am buried deep in distressed gloom
You are fine riding the crescent moon,
I dare not to reach you, my darling.

I am hanged to the memories of the past,
Remained a crow hatching poisonous eggs, out last,
I die in life and die in strife.

Your glass glare eyes still puzzle mine,
I’ve no chance of to send for my love fine,
Your departure left me all stale of smoke.

I aspire to write to you more, I can,
But some double-entendres trouble my pen,
Write no more, write no more.