Dear Tempest

a poem by Paromita Bardoloi

“Dear Tempest”
“Let love be love, don’t give it a name”
Dear Tempest (Messenger of God)
As you go down south, move a little further…
You will find a lonely cottage, guarded by pine trees.

There lives a person whose, sight makes my heart skip a beat.
Do peep by the windows and see,
Does he still holds a mug of coffee and paints…
Do, the smell of cigarette still comes from between his fingers…
Do he still bite his lips while smiling…
Does his room still holds the picture of mother mary…
And his table holds the half drunk coffee mugs…

Does the floor still carry bits of torn paper…
And his kurtas…
Does it hold stains from his careless paintings…
Do at times human agonies still make tears caress his cheeks…
Does he still sleep wearing his reading glasses…
and at times write verses on love…
Does anyway my name still brighten his eyes…
Dear tempest, whisper at his ears.
My heart reaches, where I cannot…
I am bounded society, family rules…
Yet my soul that knows no bondages…
reaches at no time…
Tell him,
I’m sorry
for all the unkept promises, and dreams I couldn’t fulfill.
From tomorrow life won’t be the same again…
I will be married…
Transcend from girl to woman…
I could not wait, circumstances put me where I am.

Yet love is immortal…
it never dies, we do…

Next, when we are reborn…
Dear Tempest
Ask god, that he is born a millionaire…
With a title to his name…
For this is what the world seeks…
So that he can come to me like a prince in a white horse…
And we live happily ever after.
Till then I shall wait with a lump in my heart that keeps on growing with time.