Yours Forever

a poem by Chitra Sridar

What is this fascination with life
When exquisite death is so exotic?
So few fathom what life is about:
Unimaginable agony amid ordinary beings.

When you long for faith renewed
Enveloped in a season of despair
Sorrow the heart defaces
Until its seal is embossed.
Try and fail to sever all ties
Leaving you neither separate nor together
It ain’t life’s new songs that
Bring bittersweet pleasure, but
Emerging from your chrysalis of pain
In Death you will find a new world blossomed

When your garments and flesh are
In anguish; Never despair
Death undoes with its force your cries.
Why the endless patience with life,
Despite its careless cruelty?
Why ail at innocent Death?
Life comes and goes like rain
Until Death soothes the ache of life.
Life is for but a moment
Death’s an eternity; yours forever.