Speech in Mime

a poem by Natasha Girglani

Silence surrounds,
Not a word, none to utter.
Peace at zenith,
but above and beneath
are stable no feet.
No mind or soul rests,
cooperation none lets,
as the seeds of sorrow are sown.

As I sat there alone,
a feeling no other,
a sense of content, smoothly flows.
Like a blossoming flower,
As though I knew all power,
thoughts wings were at temporary bay.

Like a veil to shield beauty,
a sudden wave struck my mind.
A disturbance to ecstacy,
of moments all mine.
As it hit me with force,
a shock to my mind.

When unperturbed I sat,
life whispered in our chat,
a sedative, secure feeling prevailed.
But the scurry of time,
spoke – still in mime,
Lord awakened my mind
in a form so divine,
It said nothing yet shouted out loud.