Oh, Life! Let us meet in Death

a poem by Remigius de Souza

For centuries, nay, millennia
The specie of modern hominid
The idlers: philosophers, the religious,
God-persons went on and on speculating
Meaning and purpose of life
All the doodlers jobless do-gooders
Who did not want to use their limbs and senses
And who were not accountable neither
Responsible, even created gods, and stalled
Them in the solitary confinement of sanctuaries.
Now there are sanctuaries for animals and savages.

Modern hominid did everything possible
By adjustments – readjustments,
Reactions – counter-actions, additions-alteration
To decorate and enhance life with creeds
And culture moralities and values;
To dissect life with class and race;
To divide life with hours and years;
And they were left with a carcass.
Life eluded them. Remi wonders,
Even if I make a gun or a garden or a great town
Life is not my design or work of my hands.