Rulers and the Ruled

a poem by Hyder Nayab

Father! Father! May I ask,
As to how you feel about your new task,
Bestowed upon you by the people at large;
To rule over them as the minister-in-charge.

My child, you’re too young to understand
The intricacies of governing the people of this land.
A minister though, has a short lived job,
Could certainly live like a king of the mob.

But, mother tells me that gone are those days,
When kings used to rule the masses always.
Now it seems the people have the power to vote,
And change the rulers, as and when they happen to gloat.

Those are the laws and rules of the game,
Which only we sit, contemplate, and frame.
The voters are shown the rainbows on the sky;
They get pacified and allow us to fly.

Sorry father! Does it mean that you knowingly cheat
The innocent masses who can’t make both ends meet?
Does it not pinch your conscience a bit?
Don’t you think, their vengeance might put you in the pit?

That’s why my child, I said you’re too young to understand
The intricacies of governing the people of this land.
As a minister, I for sure would govern the masses at large;
And make my kith-n-kin, the bosses under my charge.