Who am I?

a poem by Mahendra

Who am I? Why am I existing?
Why is my life still persisting?
What is the essence of my life
besides being a daughter or wife?
Wish and try as I might
I can’t even retain
what I brought with birth
my identity, my name.
I’ve always been known
by the tag of a relation.
But why a relation with males only?
Can someone answer that question?
It’s painful and pity at the same time
that till date I’m tied with shackles.
Time and again I have to remind all
that I’ve risen above veils and sickles.
My dainty looks become major impedance
each time I raise my head.
No matter how competent and qualified
yet each fancies me in malicious bed.
For how long am I to yell
that god created us all as equals.
Men and women were made complementary
not as original and its sequels…