Why the Pen is Mightier…

a poem by Nav Chandi

Escaping reality in the blink of an eye;
Getting lost in thoughts and feelings;
At this moment, life becomes my own private Utopia;
And whatever is said, done and written cannot be wrong.

With my pen and paper in hand,
I go off on a journey;
To explore my thoughts, questions and my own existence.

A gateway to a private hell of emotions,
Or an entrance to a paradise of words that can mean whatever I feel like implying.

The pen romancing the paper;
My mind manipulating the words into whatever order I desire.
I can do no wrong, and the feeling of…
The indescribable feeling that feels so right.

The wisdom of the ages that flows through my body;
As my passion for words grows deeper.
My heart is filled with love and so much else,
and I am reminded of why I would rather be a poet.