The Procession!

a poem by Uma

In the beginning, it was curiosity,
Sheer plain curiosity-
Hows, whys, whats
And also ifs and buts
Questions and the waiting for the answers!

It turned gradually into excitement,
Thoughts of innocent mischief
Bursting into laughter
Jokes, Saintly behaviour,
Heavy discussions about good and bad of the life

The excitement gave way to joy
Pleasure that was spontaneous
Without reason-
Non justifiable, inexplicable,
Pure pure bliss

Then entered the dullness
The routine
The similarities
The feeling that this has happened before
Dullness that sucked up all the emotions

As always.
Pleasure made way for its partner
The pain
Sadness, grief, tears
Anger, frustration, helplessness

As ever, the vicious cycle continued!