The Negative side

a poem by Sayan Chaudhuri

Dissuaded, disappointed, disgruntled he was
His nature contradicting his bulk
Huffing, puffing, stomping his feet
Putting in much effort he opens his mouth
“Freedom is my birthright, why shouldn’t I have it?”
“Love is a gift, why shouldn’t I get it?”

The truth is such complexity
Perplexing the brightest of minds
We go half the way and then turn back
Not realizing it is not winter in May
Not realizing a soul is what we lack
Not realizing a knife is there to hack

We fail ourselves, and recover hesitatingly
Blaming and chiding the whole world
We accept lies with assumed conviction
With truth hiding unexposed
We are content with evil satisfaction
Our fears forms an unanimous faction

We fall prey to our dreams
Failing to believe reality
To our actions, our illusions mock
Sneering with all its nasty wildness
Like a pebble breaking a rock
Like a fish challenging the dock

He has not still uttered a word
Then, what about his plight as a bondman
His incapability to salvation
We leave him as a hungry man
And again, he engulfs himself into delusion