Moonlit Memories

a poem by Mohit Khanna

Sometimes, memories take me,
To those sleepless nights
Watching the sky
Listening to silence
Singing with the wind
Forming colours for my savage world.

That moonlit sky, those swaying trees
Those fading street lights, that bright clutter of stars
Fear not felt as I stood alone,
In the dark, gazing,
Among the soft rustle of trees.
Watching freedom from within captivity
And wondered, if, once set free,
Would this bird of happy feather
Come back to it’s savage world ever.
Or would it fly forever
In the wonderful sky,
Flying up high,
Not wondering why,
Everything had to die.

The fading smile, of the colour blind.
A jolt of memories, a spark of spectrum,
Pushes me up, and takes me back to where I belong.
The bird is forgotten, though I wonder, up high,
It still soars beyond the moonlit sky.