
a poem by Vikash

‘That is really SAD’ she stated
I replied ‘Its is a reality.
Why do you consider it sad?’

She replied: ‘To me, not to love truly,
be truly fulfilled and loved,
not to have a mate and be alone all my life,
not to be able to share myself
and my experiences
with someone who mattered,
is very SAD.’

I asked her ‘what rules are used to determine true love ?’

She said ‘I don’t know if there are any such rules,
it is something you have to experience.
It is difficult for me
to imagine [your] life without love.’

‘It makes your soul glow with happiness
and I feel sad for the people that have not
had such a wonderful experience.
How does it make you feel,
don’t you feel a need to have someone special?
Don’t you feel sad sometimes cause you don’t have someone-
someone to have and hold, love and protect.’

‘Don’t you need someone to need you?
Wouldn’t it make you happy to know,
That no matter what happens there will always be someone,
with open arms by your side,
whether you were right or wrong,
whether you’re moody or not,
that person will always love you truly,
just for what you are?’

‘Is there no need in your soul at all
to be loved by someone?
Doesn’t that vacancy make you SAD sometimes?’

I shrugged my shoulders,
not trusting my voice or eyes,
I lowered my head
and remained silent.

Later I thought to myself:
How could you give yourself to me,
(even if I filled your needs)
when you have given yourself
to someone else.

Would I ever find the courage
to let you know how I really feel,
do I want to risk loosing you
by letting you know?