Tread slowly…

a poem by Shruti Vellody

Tread slowly, my dreams are made of glass.
Whisper! Don’t scare my dreams away.
If she hears, she is only a dream, she will shatter into a million pieces
She thinks she is real and I, an illusion.

She follows me like a shadow and thinks I follow her
She does not fly as high as she should, she is scared of what lies ahead
Is she alive or is she dead?

My dreams have memories too
She thinks those memories are mine
Let my dreams be, let her be
What is true… what is not we both are meant to see
Let her smell the flowers along the way
She may or may not stay

She calls out to me but sometimes I cannot hear

Tread slowly, my dreams are made of glass.
Whisper! Don’t scare my dreams away.
If she hears she is only a dream, she will shatter into a million pieces