Cupid’s Delightful Midnight Whisper

a poem by Charishma Jaikishin Ramchandani

Little did I know when we met,
You’ll be to me love’s treasure chest
You had in you all the passion and zest,
You were the ‘best’ anyone could get.
The day I first set my eyes on you,
What happened next, I have no clue
You stood in the doorway in clouded moonlight
Oh, my damsel, You took me on a fancy fight!
You beautiful eloquent almond-brown eyes,
Made me travel across star-studded skies
Your cute, sweet disarming smile,
Bewitched me all the while.
The tantalising perfume in your shiny hair,
Spread its aroma in the midnight air
With a voice that had the sparkle of a stream
You made me your dreamer and became my dream.
Making words dance to our tune,
We saw stars cascading into a silver moon
You were to me love’s biggest boon,
Oh, our tryst spread delight so soon!