In any case, Diamonds are forever

a poem by Uma

People say ’Diamonds are forever’
Mind reminiscences,

My baby, so chubby and dimpled
When smiled for the first time with a shine of recognition in her eyes
Wasn’t that shine, a diamond for me?

My toddler, its face radiant with some tiny triumph
Sought my approval and appreciation
Wasn’t that radiance, a diamond for me?

My adolescent, a schoolgirl rushing home
To narrate some funny incident in class with a twinkle in the eyes
Wasn’t that twinkle, a diamond for me?

My young girl, beautifully flowered with youth
With a glowing face, glitter in her eyes and a dazzling smile
Shyly eager to cross the threshold
Wasn’t that glow, glitter and the dazzle, diamond for me?

But that shine, radiance, twinkle, glow, glitter and the dazzle
All my lovely diamonds,
Whether they will multiply or just get transformed
Into two glistening solitaires hanging behind her lids
Only the time can tell…

But in any case ‘Diamonds will be there, forever!!‘