The Rumour Mongers

a poem by Ramesh T A

The rumour mongers are the real rogues of the society
Who make the magnanimous a mere piece of meek puppets
In the world mill that goes on grinding the grist of rumours.
Unaware they spread rumours about everything and everyone;
But surely they will reap for the consequences unaware one day.

Who are actually the rumour mongers of the world?
The rumour mongers are the jealous hearted men here,
Whose jealousy soaked in the blood remains ever hot.
The rosy looking men are put to hardships by these green-eyed men,
Whose gaze is ever harmful to whomever they see in the world;
This every good man ought to know to live well in the society.

The fire of jealousy burns any man to the inevitable death,
From which there is no escape except by luck or accident.
The victim of jealousy loses all won in the gamble in the final battle;
Duriyodhana deceived justice in the Game of Dice in The Mahabharata,
But Dharma defeated him with death in the Battle of Kurukshetra.

Even today the fight follows on between the frauds and the pure hearts
And it’s true the Lord of Dharma is defending the good against the bad.
The rumours are the negative propaganda about men and matters;
But also, there cannot be any smoke without a fire somewhere here.

Antisocial elements alarm of a havoc quite untrue and baseless
And try to thrive upon the rumours cajoling the cockscombs.
They make hell of heaven and heaven of hell by their rumours
And pull on the days without bothering about better way of life.
Addicted to rumouring they ruin their own lives without any redemption
Whether the life of others is ruined or not they care about nothing.

They make something out of nothing and spread like a wild forest fire
And raise or lower the very status or position of any person as to plan.
The big frauds bother about nothing except their own well being;
They neither think of the past nor care for the future but the present.
Like the chameleons they change their colour according to the time;
Having nothing in hand they feel they are entitled to have everything;
And they act as if they are born to conquer the world and rule the people!

Democracy and socialism are the best scapegoat to deceive the society;
They make use of human rights harmfully against all human beings
Knowing all the legal loopholes to turn justice to their advantage always.

All are equal before the law of the democratic lands of the earth;
Both the crime doers and the sincere workers are also equal here;
All for all is the common justice allowed by socialism everywhere;
These justified policies make easy and beneficial the escapes
For the snobs from the judicial punishments anywhere here;
And these snobs talk and talk, don’t do any work and spoil the world!