From Heaven to Earth

a poem by Jagganathan V

Like an angel down to earth, she has set right my imagination,
Beauty at its best, HIS creative creativity’s exhibition;
Heavenly angels, fairies, maidens jealous, swans taken aback by her grace,
‘Death’ don’t come near, I already visualise heaven in her face.

Difficult maybe her creation, but she creates easily my spontaneous feelings,
Her divine beauty, innocent though toxic charm sets in motion, even lifeless ceilings;
The dynamic mighty winds, she turns them into a gentle timid breeze,
And the invincible sun which melts down others, now at her feet would readily freeze.

Nature, the most powerful king bows before her, how different are we?
Who shall possess her? If bestowed with supreme powers it would be me.
Years fly by, she undisputedly remains the queen of youth and beauty,
With her genuine charisma and intricate poise, she leads you to the path of eternity.