Another Animal Farm – III

a poem by Ramesh T A

Creative or inventive minded men’s scope is hampered
By men of bovine nature fostered by socialism;
Maintaining quantity at the cost of quality of life
Does not improve the status of the society;
Socialism at the expense of individualism
Spoils the system of life in the society;
This should be realised by all seeing today
The failures of socialism in other world nations!

Politics reigns supreme in all walks of life making
People approach all problems with political perspective;
Quarrels or cordialities among men depends
Upon the political view each one has;
Even physical make up, dress and colour are
Viewed and decided with respect to politics now;
Even for walking in the street one should keep oneself
Abreast of the day’s politics to avoid consequences!

Religion adds fuel to the fire of politics,
Whose wild power can’t be tamed by any means
Except in election by the people’s power that has
Harnessed it for its benefit for sometime or other;
Until then the lootings of the spoil of the public wealth are
Enjoyed by the wolves and foxes amidst the deer and cows
In such a way that the foxes and jackals crave for elections
And propagandas for political parties all round the year!

Cinema and TV are the modern tools used for political
Propaganda that influences and affects the people much;
So, the matinee idols become the political leaders due to
Their speeches and actions that brain-wash the people;
Champions of both the fields easily become wealthy
That attracts all to become so somehow quickly!
And the show of hands of them to fans and workers
Make them do anything bothering little their lives!

Political parties of various castes have also come
Into vogue in various States of the country now;
Animal farm has witnessed violent incidences of
Casteistic party buffaloes’ processions often!
They believe violence is the best bet to win in elections
And come to power in the country that got
Freedom from foreigners by Non-Violence!
And the office buffaloes play enthusiastically in works
By getting shots in their arms through such incidences!

Not reason but passion and madness are let loose by
The political parties of many castes and colours here;
After coming to power what good can such parties do other than
Swindling the wealth of the nation by themselves for themselves?
Not the intellectuals, talented and hard working individuals
But the jackals, pigs and buffaloes would be benefited so;
So, unable to bear the unjustified acts of the animals
Sincere individuals go abroad to work and live better there!

“Treat public property as one’s own,” said some
Uneducated genius or so called great intellectual!
But more than eighty percent official and nonofficial animals
Twisting it to their own favour misappropriate everything
Starting from the pavement, roads to rented buildings
In the name of public service to the people;
And now the sleazy activities of the jackals and bandicoots
Have alarmingly gone beyond recovery in the nation!