Poems by


a poem by Jayashree

Some alcoholic demons from hell
Have come to the earth
In the disguise of men.
These demons roam about
Freely in the streets
Like beasts out of the den.

Their targets are majorly women
The innocent women
Who complete our lives.
The mothers, daughters, sisters,
And the homely wives.

But alas! The demons see them
As only flesh and blood
Always hungry to tear them apart
To spoil their sweet dreams or aims
Their legal wish to lead a normal life.

The demon is always out there
Watching secretly, hiding somewhere
Beware! One mistake and they’ll get you.
The demons show no mercy
They devour you up in tiny bits
One by one leaving no clue.

The demons then pushes you
Throw you like a garbage
Somewhere bloody and red.
The innocent happy girl
You now face slow and painful death
A sight even the animals are afraid.

The demons go back
Their appetites full
To plan for the next prey.
The passerby looks at the girl
Speaks nothing, does nothing
Just walks away.