Poems by
Vasanta Athilat

The Smile

a poem by Vasanta Athilat

An aura unfolds
as she gives away smiles
some naive and some cherubic
intense during the morning commute
it makes a show worth watching
And I watch…

She does not tally her smiles
but opens her heart
and lets deep rooted sorrows spill out
all over the factual world
staining its laminate floor
greasing the world’s painted door

A beaten path
a trembling stride or two
her transparent innocence and woes
bleed by the masses
quid pro quo
sorrow for a smile
pitching poverty for pennies

She holds on
as lights go out
and curtains close
rippling emotions surge past
and she still smiles
as alms and coins compile,
I gather..
fragments of a smile from within
and toss it in to her empty heart