Poems by
Satish Mamillapalli

Smart Hero

a poem by Satish Mamillapalli

People say I have a smart brain,
but my life is so plain,
daily I shuttle by the train,
for me, its never a strain,
and you know, I like when I see the rain,
I like to watch the water drain,
and there comes a big tree from a small grain.

Round my neck I have a chain,
that I bought in spain,
I love to eat chow mein,
while watching the movies of John Wayne,
I pity the people in pain,
hate the people who feign,
and show lot of vain.

Lots of people talk disdain,
I believe they are insane,
people sometimes are so mundane,
they always think of own gain,
if you are not like that, take this in a lighter vein,
teach your children to be humane.

I love the juice of sugar cane,
always hated standing in lane,
and I am afraid to get into a plane,
which I believe is a bane,
but I need to do something for this fear to wane,
because I would like to visit my friend Jane,
who lives in southern maine,
and believe me, she is so sane,
look at her, “women cant have both beauty and brains” sounds so inane.