Poems by
Nav Chandi

Wine, Women and Words

a poem by Nav Chandi

Swept away by intoxicating things…
that make me soar higher than most birds.
Sometimes, nothing can make me soar as high…
as my love for wine, women and words.

Providing a comfort and tranquility…
that often cannot be replicated.
Uninhibited feelings…
that otherwise would have never been stated.

Seductively disguised…
but their true beauty has been shown;
Once the poet finally becomes aware…
his true emotions have already been made known.

There are people and things in this world…
that make a man show his true self;
Some of whom and which are positive…
while others not as good for one’s mental health.

Even if it is temporary happiness…
it is happiness- none the less.
Liberating a spirit…
when these things help a man’s emotions become professed.

Swept away by intoxicating things…
that make me soar higher than most birds.
Sometimes, nothing can make me soar as high…
as my love for wine, women and words.