Poems by
Manjushaa S

The Lone Wish

a poem by Manjushaa S

I am a wounded soldier, who has lost everything,
I have faced all consequences that hell can ever bring.
Nuclear weapons and atomic bombs did the trick,
It has left innocent civilians dead, dying and sick.
I have lost my family, friends and fellowmen forever,
I never practiced the motto, “Help ever, and hurt never”.
I’ve always had the passion to own the rarest of cars,
But instead fate made me spend life-sending crooks behind bars.
I happen to be the lone survivor,
All my insides ache badly, heart, head and liver.
Oh God! Only you can fulfill my desire and relieve me of this rattle,
Created by the wretched, gory battle.
A car new and sparkling,
So elegant and startling.
Such that its dashing presence and grace
Can bring a new glow to my face.
Oh! Come to me, my dream car,
Are you near or far?
Then my voice trails away,
A voice that was once halcyon and gay.
Suddenly I hear thunder from the mackerel sky,
And I see the parting of clouds passing by.
A bright illumination transcends heaven to heaven,
Is it god’s own terrestrial mirth? (I think)
I then find my doubts melting away,
For I spot my dream car appears from the light ray.
My eyes gleaming with anticipation I say-
“Good heavens! God has granted my most cherished boon,
I am no more a solitary loon.”
This car is my Imperial Treasure,
And possessing it is nothing but pleasure.
Happiness though temporary, I can find in it,
Because first I need to console myself bit by bit.
In my dreams god tells me-
“It happens that you can’t always become what you want to be.”
Life is a game plays it!
Fill it with generosity, humor and wit
Worries and grief can wait
For it goes on like Rapunzel’s plait.
You have a duty before you,
And tasks unaccomplished due.
I am sure you have understood what I mean,
It is not like figuring out something that you have never before seen.
I wake up nodding my head in approval and say-
“I guarantee I will perform impressively.”
Everyone is born for something,
Some to study, some to paint, write or sing
I am born to protect my country with my might,
For my people’s freedom I will fight day and night.