Poems by
Deeksha Marur

Blame it on time

a poem by Deeksha Marur

We knew each other so well… we don’t know each other so well
We told each other our secrets… we don’t tell each other our secrets
We talked often bout everything under the sun… we don’t talk often bout everything under the sun
We shared things with each other… we don’t share things with each other
We confided in and trusted each other… we don’t anymore
We were good friends close to each other… we’re good friends but far away from each other…

Time has changed me… time has changed you… time has changed us…
Blame it on the time… blame it on us…
Where are the times we used to talk and crack silly jokes
Where are the times we used to confide in each other and tell each other stuff…
But I guess time does things like these to everyone…
There’s nothing that can be done to get over this phase
But move on…

Blame it on time… for the times we’re missing out
Blame it on time… for the misunderstandings created…
Blame it on time… for all the days we didn’t speak to each other
Blame it on time… for the days we fought and argued
Blame it on time… for losing out all most of our friendship…
Blame it on time… that’s all we can do…