Poems by

Break it or Make it

a poem by Dawn

Today is when I decide to Break it or Make it.
Which way I’m I going to take it?
I have to walk with my head way up high!
I can’t let nobody bring me down.
I have to walk with my head up high.
My choice is to make it!!

Born alone, you walk through life alone, and
Die alone. It seems that’s the way life goes.

But if you believe, and I do.
I’m not really alone, cause I have my savior my
father he walks along with me each and every day I say.
I couldn’t ask for anybody better… Amen.
With that, there’s nothing else I should need.
Although I just wished I had that kind of
Family that also walked along with me.
Why is it that we can’t have that
Closeness that a lot of family’s have?
Same respect that I give them?