A beautiful day has begun

a poem by Maryse Saldanha

Another day, another ride
I gather myself renewed and light
The warmth of the sun on my body shines
A beautiful day has begun

I am surrounded by people
Their cheerful banter makes me gay
They laugh with abandon
Putting all worry at bay

I see, I smile, I feel joyous at heart
A beautiful day for me has begun

Seated to my left is a lady old
Frail and wrinkled and greying bones
A little bundle on her lap it rests
I wonder what thoughts play in her head

To my right an expectant mother prays
Chanting from a book of ready prayers
From the moment I enter, to the moment I leave
The chants continue in firm belief

With another day we have all been blest
May we, a little more joy around us spread
May calm linger, like a fragrant rose
May a beautiful day, to all give repose

Come let’s be happy and sing to the skies
A beautiful day for us has begun