Cry of a Lamb

a poem by Sathya N K

We have been on toes all along,
Today we are on tow.
Till a day before, we lead a life at ease,
We ate, slept, ran at will, without any woe.
Now we are on edge, there is chillness in breeze
We saw many of our kith and kin disappear at times,
Now we are on board to one of those destinations.
We are left helpless just to gawk
At the lucky creatures gazing in the park

Our father showed the world we symbolize love,
But his children only beget us to butcher alive
Has not mother earth, provided enough vegetation
To feed this human race and keep them in motion.
Why are men so eager to cut our throats and kill
Isn’t this selfish, because they do all of these
Just for their chewing mouth and belly’s to fill
Don’t we have our right to live, tell us please.

Spare a thought imagine our plight oh human race
Even our last journey is with horror and amaze
Crumbled into most awful van, with no space even to stand
Dragged by our legs literally to slit our throats to pang
Worst is, we are made to witness and forced to hear the final wail,
Amid the pool of blood, our souls being chastened away hauntingly leaving no trail.
Though our ‘Master’ had blessed us
With longer span of life
These men on earth muster us together
Just to sacrifice!