Mr. Mosquito hummingly said: gun, gun, gun,
For greatest ever feast come, come, come.
Party’s area is house of SHETH,
and Venue is his dark black head.
Angelic anopheles and cute culex is special guest
And black trouser is place for rest.
Special item is blood of HITESH,
Our greatest enemy, whom I detest.
Coil ,Net and Mat may prove hitch,
But, “Arise, awake and stop not till goal is reached.”*
Please keep your children at bay,
From newest mosquito killer spray.
By god’s grace destroy devilish plan,
and with malaria eliminate evil race, human.
Anopheles and Culex is species of mosquito
* Saying of Swami Vivekananda,
obviously mosquito seems to be philosopher.
I have seen them flying around his books.
Many had died and buried between pages
while attempting to read his book.