“To that Infinite, limitless, endless, eternal, everlasting,
boundless, bottomless, unbroken Spirit be my adoration forever”
“Infinite” is the universe you’ve created,
Marvelously designed planets, the Milky way;
Each atom minutely, meticulously weighed,
All moving in an “unbroken” heavenly sway…
“Everlasting” is your mercies O, my Master!
Each creature benignly you show motherly care;
Being the sheep of your benevolent pasture,
I live in joys “endless” and feel no any scare…
“Bottomless” is your well of love that overflows,
Quenching the spiritual thirst of each creature;
In “Boundless” ways your loving mercies stand so close,
To those who make your paths their real adventure…
No one knows your “eternal” plans; they are revealed,
Like petals of flowers timely skillfully pealed;
By your “limitless” graces universe is healed,
Only to dwell with you, Lord, may my death-knell pealed…