
a poem by Christuraj Alex

“To that Infinite, limitless, endless, eternal, everlasting,
boundless, bottomless, unbroken Spirit be my adoration forever”

“Infinite” is the universe you’ve created,
Marvelously designed planets, the Milky way;
Each atom minutely, meticulously weighed,
All moving in an “unbroken” heavenly sway…

“Everlasting” is your mercies O, my Master!
Each creature benignly you show motherly care;
Being the sheep of your benevolent pasture,
I live in joys “endless” and feel no any scare…

“Bottomless” is your well of love that overflows,
Quenching the spiritual thirst of each creature;
In “Boundless” ways your loving mercies stand so close,
To those who make your paths their real adventure…

No one knows your “eternal” plans; they are revealed,
Like petals of flowers timely skillfully pealed;
By your “limitless” graces universe is healed,
Only to dwell with you, Lord, may my death-knell pealed…