Tag Archives: salvage

Kings never die, they are born immortal

a poem by Rishabh Parmar

“Kings, never die, they are born immortal”
I heard such lines, somewhere
May be, in the stories? “’tis time to throttle”
“Pick up the pace and rise up in harmony”.

“Queens, always die, they are inbred mortal”
I never heard this line, never
’tis true, ’tis lack of reminiscence
We have only one amaranthine Queen, rest are dying in sewer

“All the Princes and Princesses get extravagant death”
Only a few become valuable, rest become unworthy
Fewer ones become great predecessors
They die, they salvage the throne bravely.

Empires rise, Empires fall
Stories dipped in eminence, denizens squall.