
a poem by Subhashish

Transactions over entities are never pure
Something remains untrodden that’s for sure
Remains in the deepest graves of suspense
Within the ambience inside the lair of silence

Conscience is the greatest enemy and the closest friend
Sometimes hard to apply sometimes in trend
It whips you over matters good and evil
Guides you in sites of merry or peril

Conscience is energy nor created nor destroyed
Makes ward believe of norms and paranoid
Conserved energy is good for nothing
Unless its exploited and submitted to anything

Conscience is like your hostel warden
With you on your birthday and vacations
Only there to judge your misrepresentations
And only to prove worthy on occasions

Indispensable as it appears
Is this conscience of ours
Feigned it stays good inside
The mindset of ours

So use it when its needed the most
In the weirdest of times
Or let it get destroyed in the hell of you
Using your strongest enzymes.