Show is over

a poem by Satheesan Rangorath

Your eyes lit with wonder every moment
Shades, sounds and smells stream through infinite
Expression on your face change to moods of nature
Pervaded by innocent idyllic diction and cadence

You stand alone as incarnation of purity
Unperturbed viewing, witnessing all calamities
Niceties and negations reflect on your face
Sorrow and happiness as passing clouds

You float incessantly on troubled waters
Unblemished; yet rolling in a whirlpool of dirt
Your presence preserves towering clarity
Creating elegance of your belonging excellence

You remain as soft as a rare pearl in an Oyster
Your tender body floats in the air as white cotton
Small silvery ice balls cascade all over your body
Reflecting first rays of misty golden dawn

It is your simple imagination, makes difference
It is your dream that float around in all colours
Your breath fulfills sanctity of life in every form
When you retire to your higher nature, show is over