Angel. Oh!

a poem by Raj

It is so easy to close doors,
It is so easy to shut eyes,
It is so easy to believe that…
he sufferer is paying for his sins,
It is all so easy to leave it to the God.

Because we are misers.
We have no love to share,
We have no smile to give,
We only seek love, need joy,
We can only ask, ask, ask…
And find rationale for not able
to reach out.

The Poorest one is one…
Who can not even lend an ear…
To someone’s woe.
The Weakest one is one
Who can not even Touch
Forehead of a wounded man.
Blind are we if we can not
Look in to the eyes of dying.
Did Lord ask us to judge…
Those who are sobbing and crying.

Touch, don’t teach.
Prey, don’t preach,
Heal, don’t hate
Feel, don’t frown.