The Search

a poem by Gowdhaman M

Streams of rivers on earth
All over the Globe
To live by on the banks
On the culture and history of man
A significance.
The river.

Kind has its ways
Atop the mountain it starts.
Varies the mountains
They start and find
Their way to the sea.
The earth fully covered with water
Led to many streams.
And the earth surfaced.

Energy of the stream
Even moves the water turbine
The flow potential with its level.
Reserves a part
In the Energy Scene.
The Energy potential varies with source.

Rivers depend on rain fall
The moves of clouds matter
As the earth moves
Around the sun with
Constant peripheral speed.
Clouds and rain have season.
Life on earth
Water the reason.

Sun too cools forming
Black Spots.
Stars parting away.
Universe expending.
The search is on
For water and life
In the vast universe
Evidence of even only water
On other planet
Rather heartening news.

Waves on water
On a still pond
Or river and on the sea
Well seen.
The unseen waves too matter.
In a picture of universe
Even the solar system
Like a small haze.

The clear sky
The dark clouds
Over the oceans and earth
A dynamic scene.
The Oceans assuring
The moves of cloud
Even cyclone.
With sunlight above.
The axis of rotation
Of the earth
As it varies
Matters for the seasons.

The planet earth
Appearing like a planet of water
A planet with life.
Conserve water.
Conserve the planet earth.
Conserve the life.
Science helps to conserve too.
The planet earth.
Yes. So beautiful.

The sun a sphere of plasma
Communicating with waves of light.
Time more than million years
The hot plasma in the inner core
Of earth with surface hard
With water and life.
Really it has taken
A lot of time.
The tungsten filament
Too produces light
In too short a time.
The reversibility
And the arrow of time
The light is same
Wave lengths are many.
The rays a spectrum
Matters so finely
To distinguish everything.

Electricity as a catalyst
Moves may things faster.
Evolution takes its own pace
In every variety of species generally.

The surface electrons of atoms
Of the conduction band moves
Keeping the nucleons unmoving.
The electrons and nucleons
Making Atoms and molecules.
Evolved from the Plasma
The matter rather condensed matter.