Birth, as it is known,
Drives life into earth,
Starting to breath,
Its the first place we be, the mother’s womb,
After ten months stay,
Wishing to see the ray,
No longer willing to stay,
we cry out way out to see the day,
Willing to be a mover,
Trying to be a crawler,
Ending up being a shaker,
We lie next to our first know, mother,
Persistence, for sure, we have to walk,
Resistance, mother earth shows to fall, to hold you…
Abstinence, we show to most, un-know dislikes…
The best place we would ever stay, doing all these, The Home…
Starting to count our steps,
Slow but a steady progress,
The first few rise and falls,
As we scale thru’ out the house,
As time speeds, we walk thru’ it,
Willing to go faster,
We learn to be on wheels,
Riding across our streets,
Not willing to leave home,
We start our education,
Not an entertainment at that age,
We start, so called learning, in school,
Driving thru’ the lanes,
With the desire to move faster,
Moving on to heavier wheels,
Exploration extends thru’ to city, and above…
As days pass by,
Fighting for our grades,
Of course, fight for hearts,
Spending our teens at high school,
Desire for exploration,
Trying to learn the unknown,
Staring an endless search,
crossing the limits of age, we learn…
Fights do continue,
But time has changed,
Its the fight for survival,
Fittest survive at our work place,
Meeting the better half of life,
Exchanging hearts,
Fruitful times we spend,
Its union at a marriage hall,
Long stored energy,
Never met experiences,
Never felt, hard, joy,
Its all on a soft bed,
Eager to see your alter ego,
Your younger one,
coming thru’ with pain and cry, but its all happy,
Its the hospital you’ll never forget,
After all pain and pleasure,
After all joy and sorrow,
After all lights and nights,
Its time to leave,
Its sorrow to all…
sorrow to you… may be not…
Leaving the human body reaching divinity,
its a six feet, may be a little more, land that’s yours…
Its mystery of life and places,
Of all the places we have been,
We remember or know all except,
The place we came from and the place we are going to…
“Its an unsolved mystery of Life and Places”…