The Spring Collection

a poem by Sue Mann

In the hills, in February
A little colour we begin to see.
The spring collection is on display
Vibrant, sparkling, bright as day,
Peeping here and peeping there
Brightening spaces that had been bare.

For the showing the stage is set.
The white covers are in the closet.
And the winter blacks and browns
Are being looked upon with frowns;
For the world wants something new
After the drabness that has been on view.

All the curtains have been drawn.
The big spotlight above is on
Focusing on the scene below
Highlighting everything on show.
The backdrop is a huge blue screen
Crisp and clear, So very clean.

Flowing fluid, flute like sounds
Making music in the background
Are the workers in the trees,
Soothing sounds after the winter’s freeze-
Twitter twatter lets work faster
Flutter scutter get ready for Easter.

Green is the colour predominant now.
Every tree is wearing it on its bough.
Leaves in micro-mini bits of green
Walking on the catwalk are seen.
Baby soft is their texture
The designer of course is nature.

To brighten up the hillside ramp
Up and down the rhododendrons tramp
These debutantes at their first appearance blush
Their faces with a flame are aflush
The red adornment clearly flashes
Making a statement, the heady splashes.

The dainty daisies and margarets
Next sashay down the slopes in whites
Their simplicity is quite marked
To the passions the rhodos sparked
However their quiet dress is a hit
A little yellow adding dash to the outfit.

Down in the farmyard yellow holds sway,
Even as the mustard comes into full play
A flowing, golden evening gown
Vies with the sun as it goes down.
A glow and a cheer the scene brings to all
Even as night’s curtains on the showing fall.

All in all the showing’s a success.
What wonderful colours what sense of dress.
Can anyone else compete with nature
To do a work of such stature?
She gets the number one spot- rightly deserved
Don’t you think her work should be forever preserved?