Symbolism of Rose flower

a poem by Ramesh T A

Nature hints at man that love lies in giving and not in getting;
Living long in Nature when will man know the love of Nature?
The value of peace man knows only after seeing world war;
So also man knows value of happiness after many a hardship!

Before hand one knows what’s what and follows what’s right
One becomes a wise man in this materialist world of no mind!
Only when the availability is meagre its value becomes more;
If a thing is easy to get, it becomes like a free air we breathe!

As a result even God who was speaking with man keeps silence!
The legendary story of Basmasura perhaps is best to quote here.
Pleased Lord Siva asked him for his wish in appreciation of his will
And Basmasura got the boon of burning to ashes whoever he touched!

To test the power of boon the Asura decided to touch the head of Siva
And that led the Lord to leave for a place to escape from that place!
So, Lord Vishnu took the avatar of a bewitching beauty Mohini and
Enticed him to dance and die by making him touch his own head!

Surprised Siva appeared before Mohini and mingled with her beauty
Leading to the birth of Lord Aiyappa to save devotees from devils!
When there is so much to learn about Nature seeing a single rose
How much more have to know if we explore the full range of Nature?

The exchange of rose flower between lovers confirms their love
The exchange of rose garland between the couple symbolises wedlock
Men of achievements are garlanded with rose flowers for their success
And wreath of rose flowers placed on dead man marks final tribute!