
a poem by Nandita Pai

Have you ever been to a forest,
Where there are so many wild florets,
And thick green trees,
And a lot of cool breeze?
The trees are so many,
They are thin as well as sturdy,
They are big as well as small,
Some are so sturdy they rarely fall.
On trees you can see monkey and snakes,
And tortoises and fishes in the lakes.
Cheetahs, Tigers, Lions on the ground,
Looking for their prey all around.
But Alas! The animals are being killed,
And with cotton they are being filled.
The animals are slowly reducing,
As the days are quickly passing.
Soon the forest will be deserted,
A vacuum there will be created.
So don’t you think it is time,
To stop all this crime?
And save the forest soon,
By starting right now and avoiding the doom?