My Village President

a poem by Rajendran M

“They don’t allow me
to speak the truth”,
Our village President
said and looked up
at the strange guests.

“You’ve killed some stray dogs
and flashed the news
across Madello metropolis.
We are from Blue Cross”
the guests cried and sat.

“Blue Cross, Red Cross and Holy Cross –
I don’t read English dailies
But the Tamil dailies have extolled me
for I hired some dog catchers
who caught the canines with the noose
after a chase and clubbed them to death.
My scheme to kill these dogs panned out well.
My minions strangled some sick pups last year
and gave a decent burial on that bank
but the reporters failed to laud my service”.

“Oh, you overstep the limits.
You’re cruel to animals.
We will call the Police to nab you’

Sensing some rebuke,
He ordered to bring some cool drinks.
and recanted what he said:
“Those things happened, in a Panchayat nearby
I rear cats and dogs at home.
One dog has bites incurable on it’s body”,
With a tinge of pity on his face.
“Keeping a sick dog is punishable”,
The Officers blared and thumped on the table.

I don’t eat the flesh
of dogs as people do in the City.
Dogs are our family pets.
But you don’t allow me
to speak the truth”,
he smiled and bundled them out.